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Nurul Mohammad Zayed

Nurul Mohammad Zayed

Assistant Professor
Daffodil International University,Dhaka


"Mr. Nurul Mohammad Zayed is an Assistant Professor & Head of Department of Real Estate at Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He completed MS in Economics from North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He teaches Economics & Finance. He has been teaching for more than 10 years. He is doing research for more than 10 years and has a strong knack for research. He has more than 51 research publications & 6 editorials in several reputed national and international peer reviewed journals. He is the member of Editorial Boards of several International Journals and Conferences. He presented research papers in more than 14 national and international conferences. He presented and participated in more than 15 national and international seminars. He facilitated, coordinated and participated in more than 31 national and international workshops/trainings. He visited more than 7 domestic industries as a part of industry visit. He got several awards including teaching excellence awards from India, best paper awards(twice) in the conferences, best research award, DIU (2020), certificate of appreciation for paper presentation and reviewing papers. He also got Mevlana scholarship from Bulent Ecevit University, Turkey. His research interest is in Economics & Finance. He got Full Bright Turkish Government Scholarship for PhD in International Economics at Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey. Currently he is pursuing PhD in Economic Management at Techno India University, Kolkata, India.

Research Interest

1. Economics (Microeconomics, International Economics/Macroeconomics). 2. Finance (International Finance).