Call for Abstract
Scientific Program
26th International Conference on Advanced Nanotechnology, will be organized around the theme “Focusing and Expanding the Significant Assessment in Nanotechnology Inventions to the Globe”
Advanced Nanotechnology 2018 is comprised of 16 tracks and 69 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Advanced Nanotechnology 2018.
Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.
Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.
Nano particles are particles between 1 and 100 nano meters in size. In nanotechnology, a particle is defined as a small object that behaves as a whole unit with respect to its transport and properties. Particles are further classified according to diameter.
- Track 1-1Nanoscale
- Track 1-2Nanometres
- Track 1-3Nonpattern
- Track 1-4Nanoparticle characterization and applications
Nanotechnology is the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally, nanotechnology deals with developing materials, devices, or other structures with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometres. Nanotechnology entails the application of fields of science as diverse as surface science, organic chemistry, molecular biology, semiconductor physics, microfabrication, etc.
- Track 2-1Electronics and IT Applications
- Track 2-2Medical and Healthcare Applications
- Track 2-3Energy Applications
- Track 2-4Materials and Process Applications
Nanoscience is the study of atoms, molecules, and objects whose size is on the nanometer scale. Atoms are a few tenths of a manometer in diameter and molecules are typically a few nanometres in size. Nano Science is a technology directed at the Nano scale. It is the uses and study related to very small things that can be used in all the other fields of science like biology, physics, chemistry, engineering and Materials sciences.
- Track 3-1Nano Physics
- Track 3-2Quantum nanoscience
- Track 3-3Nano Magnetics
- Track 3-4Theoretical study of Nanoscience
Nanostructures are structures that range between 1 nm (molecular scale) and 100 nm in at least one dimension. Most are synthetic and can be engineered to wide range of physical properties. Nano surfaces, cylindrical nanotubes, and Nano spheres are common nanostructures.
- Track 4-1Nanostructures for thin films and coatings
- Track 4-2Nanostructure applications in petroleum industry
- Track 4-3Nanostructured Metals
- Track 4-4Toxicity of nanostructures
- Track 4-5Synthesis of nanowires and nanorods
- Track 4-6Nanobiomaterials
Nano electronics holds few answers for how we might increase the capabilities of electronics devices when we reduce their weight and power consumption. Nano electronics and technology are widely used in all aspects of modern life. Life Safety, Healthcare, Transportation, Computing, Energy and Telecommunications are some of the major fields benefiting from the growth of Nano electronic applications.
- Track 5-1Nano electronic circuits
- Track 5-2Nano electromechanical systems (NEMS, MEMS)
- Track 5-3Nano electronics in Defense and Military
- Track 5-4Quantum Dots, Quantum Wires, Quantum well
Materials science and engineering, is a discipline which deals with the discovery and design of new substances. The research in material technological know-how includes in Transmission electron microscopy in cutting-edge substances technological know-how, advancements of materials technological know-how, Mining and metallurgy, power substances there are 50 universities and a marketplace to growth of 5.1% over the duration 2014-2019. The strength materials marketplace changed into predicted to be $7,292.eight million in 2014 and is projected to boom of 7.8% from 2014 to 2019. Mining and metallurgy for a market share of 68.3% in 2014 and is predicted to growth of 8.3% through 2019. 18 new research tasks can be implemented via quit of 2016.
- Track 6-1Advances in Materials Science
- Track 6-2Mining and Metallurgy
- Track 6-3Energy materials
- Track 6-4Synthesis and processing
Nanomaterials describe, in principle, materials of which a single unit is sized (in at least one dimension) between 1 and 1000 nanometres (10?9 meter) but is usually 1—100 nm (the usual definition of nanoscale). Nanomaterials are slowly becoming commercialized and beginning to emerge as commodities.
- Track 7-1Recent trends in nanotechnology
- Track 7-2Synthesis of Nanomaterials and Nanoparticles
- Track 7-3Nanocomposites
- Track 7-4Characterization and properties of nanomaterials
- Track 7-5Modeling and simulation of nanomaterials
Nanochemistry is a new discipline concerned with the unique properties associated with assemblies of atoms or molecules on a scale between that of the individual building blocks and the bulk material. Nanochemistry is the use of synthetic chemistry to make nanoscale building blocks of desired shape, size, composition and surface structure, charge and functionality with an optional target to control self-assembly of these building blocks at various scale-lengths.
- Track 8-1Nanochemistry in Chemical sensors
- Track 8-2Neurochemistry
- Track 8-3Green Nano chemistry
- Track 8-4Nano pharmaceutical chemistry
Nanophotonics or Nano-optics is the study of the behavior of light on the nanometre scale. It is considered as a branch of optical engineering which deals with optics, or the interaction of light with particles or substances, at deeply subwavelength length scales.
- Track 9-1Optoelectronics and Microelectronics
- Track 9-2Amplifiers and Isolator
- Track 9-3Electro-optic Modulators
- Track 9-4Solar Cells
Nanotechnology is the science which deals with the processes that occur at molecular level and of nanolength scale size. The major studies in the nanotechnology include nanosized particles, their function and behaviour with respect to other systems. The tremendous capabilities of nanoparticles have changed the perspective and scope of nanotechnology towards development into an adjuvant field for the remaining fields of life sciences. Nanotechnology is the ability to understand and control materials at the very smallest scales, from around 100 nm to the dimensions of single atoms; At this Nano scale the properties of these nanosized particles are vary from the conventional medicines.
- Track 10-1Nano Pharmaceutical Industry and Market
- Track 10-2Challenges and advances in Nano Pharmaceuticals
- Track 10-3Nanoliposome
- Track 10-4Future aspects of Nano Pharmaceuticals
Graphene is an allotrope of carbon in the form of a two-dimensional, atomic-scale, hexagonal lattices in which one atom form each vertex. It is the basic structural element of other allotropes, including graphite, charcoal, carbon nanotubes and fullerenes. It can be considered as an indefinitely large aromatic molecule, the ultimate case of the family of flat polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
- Track 11-1Graphene: Synthesis, Properties & Phenomena
- Track 11-2Advances in Graphene Physics
- Track 11-3Emerging trends in the field of graphene Nano
- Track 11-4Graphene oxide
Tissue engineering is the usage of a group of cells, engineering and materials means and proper biochemical and physicochemical factors to rise or replace biological tissues. Tissue engineering includes the usage of a scaffold for the making of innovative feasible tissue for a medical purpose. While it was once categorized as a sub-field of biomaterials, having settled in scope, importance and it can be considered as a field in its own.
- Track 12-1Tissue Culture
- Track 12-2Synthetic Biology
- Track 12-3Nano electronics-Innervated Tissues
- Track 12-4Carbon Nanotube Scaffolds
- Track 12-5Biomaterials in Tissue Engineering
Materials chemistry involves the use of chemistry for the design and synthesis of materials with interesting or potentially useful physical characteristics, such as magnetic, optical, structural or catalytic properties.
- Track 13-1Design and manufacture
- Track 13-2Synthesis and characterization
- Track 13-3Liquid crystals
- Track 13-4Chemical metrology of materials
- Track 13-5Neutron depth profiling for chemical impurities
- Track 13-6Green chemistry
Optics and Lasers in Engineering aims to provide an international forum for the interchange of information on the development and application of optical techniques and laser technology in engineering. Emphasis is placed on contributions dealing with the practical use of methods and devices, the evaluation of results and developments and enhancement of solutions and new theoretical foundations for experimental methods.
- Track 14-1Optical Metrology
- Track 14-2Optical Methods for Process Control
- Track 14-3Optical Microelectromechanical Systems
- Track 14-4Imaging, Microscopy and Adaptive Optics
- Track 14-5Laser Beam Delivery and Diagnostics
- Track 14-6Laser Remote Sensing and Environmental Monitoring
Nano devices are critical enablers that will allow mankind to exploit the ultimate technological capabilities of electronic, magnetic, mechanical, and biological systems. Nano sensors are chemical or mechanical sensors that can be used to detect the presence of chemical species and nanoparticles, or monitor physical parameters such as temperature, on the nanoscale.
- Track 15-1Smart sensors and smart delivery systems
- Track 15-2Magnetic nanodevices
- Track 15-3Nano-biosensors
- Track 15-4Quantum dots/nanodots
- Track 15-5Electron and nuclear spin devices